Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Not VietNAM...North American Martyrs. My grade school and my family's parish.

Facebook can be a funny thing. For instance, yesterday I received two new friend requests; one was from a valid friend, the other...well, I'm not gonna go there. But I think it's nice to reconnect with old friends and Facebook does make it convenient to keep up with everything that's going on now.

Last night, something told me to look up North American Marytrs on Facebook. I don't know why, but boy am I glad I did! Within seconds I had found a NAM group with discussion boards and photos and was pummeled with memories!

I instantly recognized the names of many alumni, and literally went into hysterics when I saw this picture in the photo album:

Yeah, that's a storm drain. And I spent the better half of my childhood in, on and around it! It looks exactly as I remember it, with the exception of the statue of the Virgin Mary which used to sit proudly on the back of it.

Fun times. Haha!

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