Sunday, September 6, 2009

The First Night in Cambridge

After waking up 2 1/2 hours earlier than usual, yesterday, Josh and I boarded a plane bound for Boston. The flight was nice but the head flight attendant thought she was a comedian and made ridiculous jokes while reviewing the safety procedures. Although she was NOT humorous to neither Josh, myself nor the lady sitting to my right, she somehow managed to receive an applause from half the plane. For 7:00am, it was rather weird and surreal. I did not get it.

So after we landed in Boston, we hopped in a taxi (van) and made our way over to Cambridge. We saw a few rowers practicing on the Charles, but only for a split second. I definitely want to see a bit more of that!

We were lucky in that we were able to check in early at our boutique hotel. So we did and immediately began our trek for food. Eventually we decided on the Cambridge Brewery or Brew House, but there was an Irish Pub that drew us in before we could even get to the microbrewery - Tommy Doyle's Irish Pub. Complete with an Irish bartender, the establishment served your usual Irish influenced pub fare. I think Josh got a burger and I had fish and chips. Nothing crazy. But the Sam Adams Octoberfest on tap was AMAZING!

Josh watching the ever-so-interesting intersection outside...

After lunch, we decided naps were in order, so we convinced ourselves that we were on vacation and were afforded the luxury of midday sleeping. We must have slept long enough to wear off our lunch because shortly after waking up, we found ourselves on the T heading to Harvard Square for some brick-oven pizza from Bertucci's. There was a huge wait, but Josh must have glamoured the hostess because we we seated in less than 2 minutes!

Josh had the Bertucci while I had a spinache and roasted black olive pizza...

We came back to the hotel to regroup and drop off leftovers, etc. before going out for the night. Since we are still trying to figure out what's what and where everything is, my iPhone has been the best tourguide one could ask for. We decided on the Muddle Charles Pub on MIT's campus since it was within walking distance and overlooking the Charles River, however, what Mr. iPhone didn't tell me, was the pub is not open on weekends!

So we decide to get back on the T and head to Central Square this time in search for a dive bar or something! We settle on Tavern in the Square where they are showing multiple college football games on the tele, and have their facade completely open to the outdoors. Again I opt for the Octoberfest but Josh moves on to the hard stuff - Jack and Diane (otherwise known as Jack Daniels and Diet Coke). The weather was amazing and the environment at the bar was enjoyable too. I don't know the smoking policy in Cambridge, but this bar was smoke free!!!

We didn't want to miss the last subway, so we played it safe and came back to the Kendall before midnight. Josh wanted to smoke a stogie, so we walked down to the river and took a little walk along the promonade before heading in for the night.

Our shadows with Back Bay in the distance...

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great time! Glad the weather is cooperating for you.
